Project Information

CEQR Number 11DME007M
Project Name The Phased Redevelopment of Governors Island
Project Description To create the vibrant, mixed-use destination that is envisioned for the region, The Trust for Governors Island has undertaken a planning effort that would be executed over a number of years, with development and tenancy of the Island proceeding in multiple phases and depending upon financing. This redevelopment of the Island is a complex process and an overall plan for all requirements for the Island has not yet been adopted; therefore, all the specifics of future development are not known at this time. However, the initial phase will be park and open space development, with tenancies in historic buildings and new development occurring at a later date. To further this goal, a Park and Public Space Master Plan (the “Park Master Plan”) was developed that enumerates a set of principles, renderings, and text that depict the fundamental concepts for the design of the Island’s parks and public spaces. For the future, several scenarios were developed that could represent a reasonable range of new development that could occur in conformance with the current real estate use covenants. These include a primarily University/Research Scenario (URS) and a predominantly Mixed-Use Scenario (MUS), both of which would provide equivalent amounts of development.
Lead Agency Deputy Mayor for Housing and Economic Development
Borough Manhattan
Geographical Information
Milestone Name Milestone Date
Lead Agency Letter 01/12/2011
11DME007M_Lead_Agency_Letter_GEIS_01122011    47.6KB
EAS 03/03/2011, 08/23/2018
11DME007M_EAS_GEIS_03032011    6.9MB
11DME007M_EAS_SSGEIS_08232018    10.5MB
Draft Scope of Work 03/04/2011, 12/05/2012, 08/23/2018
11DME007M_Draft_Scope_Of_Work_GEIS_03042011    2.5MB
11DME007M_Draft_Scope_Of_Work_SGEIS_12052012    2.7MB
11DME007M_Draft_Scope_Of_Work_SSGEIS_08232018    1.9MB
Positive Declaration 03/04/2011, 12/05/2012, 08/23/2018
11DME007M_Determination_Of_Significance_GEIS_03042011    79.1KB
11DME007M_Determination_Of_Significance_SGEIS_12052012    303.5KB
11DME007M_Determination_Of_Significance_SSGEIS_08232018    81.4KB
Scoping Meeting 04/05/2011, 01/08/2013, 09/26/2018
Final Scope of Work 10/19/2011, 02/13/2013, 10/15/2020
11DME007M_Final_Scope_Of_Work_GEIS_10192011    3.4MB
11DME007M_Final_Scope_Of_Work_SGEIS_02132013    2MB
11DME007M_Final_Scope_of_Work_SSGEIS_10152020    15.7MB
Notice of Public Hearing 10/21/2011, 01/20/2021, 01/29/2021
11DME007M_Notice_of_Public_Hearing_01202021    8.4MB
11DME007M_Notice_of_Public_Hearing_01292021    10.3MB
DEIS & Notice of Completion 10/21/2011, 02/14/2013, 10/15/2020
11DME007M_DGEIS_10212011    45.7MB
11DME007M_DSGEIS_02142013    46.2MB
11DME007M_DSSGEIS_10152020    179.4MB
11DME007M_Notice_of_Completion_DGEIS_10212011    213.1KB
11DME007M_Notice_of_Completion_DSGEIS_02142013    524.7KB
11DME007M_Notice_of_Completion_DSSGEIS_10152020    688.1KB
Public Hearing for DGEIS 11/21/2011
FEIS & Notice of Completion 12/20/2011, 05/23/2013, 03/05/2021
11DME007M_FGEIS_12202011    47.2MB
11DME007M_FSGEIS_05232013    48.5MB
11DME007M_FSSGEIS_03052021    181.1MB
11DME007M_Notice_of_Completion_FGEIS_12202011    217.4KB
11DME007M_Notice_of_Completion_FSGEIS_05232013    143.7KB
11DME007M_Notice_of_Completion_FSSGEIS_03052021    690.6KB
Statement of Findings 01/18/2012, 06/05/2013
11DME007M_Statement_Of_Findings_GEIS_01182012    385.1KB
11DME007M_Statement_Of_Findings_SGEIS_06052013    1.2MB
Technical Memorandum 01/26/2012, 02/14/2012, 05/14/2021, 03/21/2024
11DME007M_Technical_Memorandum_001_01262012    86.1KB
11DME007M_Technical_Memorandum_002_02142012    102.4KB
11DME007M_Technical_Memorandum_003_05142021    4.3MB
11DME007M_Technical_Memorandum_004_03212024    18.3MB
Notice of Scoping Meeting 12/05/2012, 08/24/2018
11DME007M_Notice_of_Scoping_Meeting_SGEIS_12052012    166.7KB
11DME007M_Notice_of_Scoping_Meeting_SSGEIS_08242018    1.6MB
Scope Comment Period End 01/18/2013, 10/09/2018
Public Hearing on DEIS 02/03/2021
DEIS Comment Period End 02/16/2021